Samurai Jack Season Five Episode 10 Review (Spoilers)
Robert Knuckles
“All Good Things Must Come to An End”
Well this is it folks. The last episode of Samurai Jack of the entire series. It kills me to make this review but I have to do it so here it is.
We start off the episode with many of Jack’s friends running to their T.V. We see The Scotsman, the archers, the mammoths and so many more watched Aku on their television. At first it was showing part of the old intro of Samurai Jack until it got to the theme song. Aku showed the world that he has captured Jack and all hope is lost. Just as Aku is about to kill he paused and couldn’t figure out how to kill him. I guess after all these years Aku didn’t think this day would actually come so instead he ordered Ashi to finish off Jack.
Ashi is still fighting for control inside the dark being. Just as Ashi is about to kill Jack his friend’s come in time to save him and we see a huge battle taking place. While the battle is going on Jack is trying to retrieve his sword while fighting Ashi and just as things were looking bad The Scotsman and his daughters came in time to save everyone. It was nice to see Jack and The Scotsman reunited despite The Scotsman being dead. It was really funny seeing The Scotsman introducing his daughters to Jack. I think he named every single one and he wanted to Jack to date one of his daughters which kind of seemed weird because but funny at the same time.
We see the Robots that Jack helped in season four come in with a huge robot samurai fighting Aku. While they are fighting Jack is inside the darkness of Ashi to help free her and he says the three magic words to her. “I Love You” thus freeing her. Jack realizes that Ashi has Aku’s power and she uses that power to go back in time to the scene where Aku sent Jack to the time portal.
Jack and Ashi arrive to the scene and we see Jack beating the crap out of Aku finally ending the long awaited battle. We are back in Jack’s time where peace is finally restored and we see many of Jack’s trainers reunited including his parents. The weird thing is that his parents didn’t even aged. We definitely saw some white or gray hair on them last time we saw them before Jack was sent to the future.
We then see the two heroes preparing for their wedding. Just as Ashi is walking the down the aisle she falls and tells Jack without Aku she never would exist and as soon as she said that she disappears. Ashi becomes something Jack was afraid of and that’s a memory.
Jack is traveling on his horse saddened that he lost Ashi. He then sees a ladybug that reminded him of Ashi. He then smiles and looks at the sky as the sun appears ending our series finale.
In the end I thought this was a very good episode but it definitely felt rushed. I feel as though it should’ve been a two part episode. I loved that we saw all of Jack’s friends in this series finale but Ashi to me was the MVP in this episode. Deep down in my mind I was saying to myself Ashi shouldn’t exist since they went back in Jack’s time to finish off Aku. Everyone that Jack met in the future don’t exist. Everyone that he met in that time is a memory. I felt for Jack. I didn’t want Ashi to disappear. Many people believed that a bad ending was awaiting Ashi. I happened to be one of those people and I really hoped I was wrong. The question that I ask to myself is that did Ashi knew that defeating Aku in Jack’s time that she wouldn’t exist? That’s a question that we’ll probably never find out sadly. Be sure to be on the lookout for my season five overall review coming soon.